Are we going back in time?

The other day I was randomly reading something on the internet when I suddenly came across this article which completely grossed me out. I’m sure that most of you are very happily munching away at every edible fast food snack around, unaware of the amount of junk that goes into it. Literally. I’m also quite certain that most of you did not know that you have consumed around 70,000 cochineal beetles according to a study, which reports that it is a common agent used to manufacture red dye which is used in our industrial packaged food. Ready to puke up yet or do you want more?

This same article also mentioned a list of equally disgusting materials ranging from beaver anal glands, fish bladders, sand, rat hair etc.[1] which are put into our food, yet these same manufacturing companies fail to mention at the back of the package in the ingredients section. I’m sure vegetarians are having a ball after reading this.

Setting aside the industrial food manufacturers for a minute, and focusing on one of the most expensive and well known delicate cuisines of the world. Sushi. Yes, you got it, raw fish. Sushi originally the creation of Japanese is now consumed worldwide. Apart from eating raw fish, according to the most experienced and specialised chefs of the world, a steak is best served rare. In lay man’s terms-raw.

Isn’t it ironic that man in the dark ages consumed raw meat and went around naked,and we too are following a similar pattern today?

Our fashion industry is a real hit these days. Models are paraded in front of the masses dressed in some of the most bizarre and revealing costumes yet very cleverly concealed using leaves and elaborately styled items which sometimes make no sense at all.

So women in general and men included are stripping themselves of their shame by losing their garments similar to how a snake sheds its skin.

Is this really modernisation or are we slowly losing our integrity by going back to our roots and becoming what we once were, a person from the dark ages with no defined laws or regulations. No accountability within society and no limitations.

The question remains, though we seem to be making a number of outstanding discoveries in science and technology, why have we decided to forgo our common sense when it comes to clothing and food. Are we slowing reverting back to what we were all those years ago back in the dark ages? Savage, naked, and capable of consuming anything and everything just to satisfy our appetites or are we better than this?